If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere —Laura Ingalls Wilder

Our Story

Founded in 2021, Eco Palm International is an independent sourcing partner in ESG palm-related products for our loyal customers.

Our predominant services are working progressively with our stakeholders, monitoring overall supply chain management for quality assurance and timely shipments to our global customers.

Our specialty sourcing product includes POME, UCO, EN14214 biodiesel, CPO, RBD Palm Fractions, PFAD, PKE, Palm Kernel Shell, acid oils, shea olein, and glycerine.

Headquartered in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA.

Strategic location: Located between China and India, and at the heart of ASEAN.

Our physical presence in the region enhances our capabilities to propel the most innovative solutions to our global customers.

We are also working with our regional partners to focus on the more comprehensive Asia, Europe, and US markets. 

Research & Development

Quality Assurance

Customer Satisfaction




Extensive research and consistent commitment to sustainability initiatives in our business practices




Transparency, integrity, and openness are expected from all our internal stakeholders

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Strive to increase our professional knowledge and skills and apply them in practice

Our Vision 

We aim to become the best upcoming ESG brand in the Southeast Asian region, and wherever we set and leave our footprints.

Our Mission

We strive to deliver excellent services through a deep understanding of the ESG business model.
Our focus is on generating profit through the purpose.

Team Eco Palm Intl